Single Future Dated Domestic Payment
1. Version Control
Version | Date | Description of Changes |
Bahrain OBF v1.0.0 | 28th Oct 2020 | Initial Release |
2. Introduction
Single Future Dated Domestic Payment allows the user/customer to post his/her consent at PISP to make a one-time payment for a specific amount to a specific payee on a specific future date, wherein the PISP provides this instruction to the customer’s ASPSPs. This use case details out the Customer Experience Guidelines and Technical API Specifications that are required to be developed and followed by both ASPSPs and PISPs. The use case is applicable to both retail and corporate customers.
Few sample Future Dated Domestic Payments may include account to account transfers, loan re-payment, university/exam fee, merchant payment (including bill payments for electricity, water, telephone, cab, and ticket), restaurant/hotel payments, E-commerce payment, wallet payments, invoice and other corporate payments. This is similar to the single domestic payment, however the payment here is at a future date as against immediate payment in single domestic payment.
3. Customer Experience Guidelines
3.1 Single Future Dated Domestic Payment
3.1.1 Customer Experience Journey
User/Customers can setup, through PISPs, an instruction to their ASPSPs to make a oneoff payment for a specific amount to a specific payee on a specific future date. The example reference journey illustrates account selection occurring in the PISP domain. However, please note that account selection can take place at the ASPSP domain. For this scenario, please follow the approach as documented in Single Domestic Payment a/c selection @ ASPSP of Single Domestic Payment.
3.1.2 Customer Experience Checklist and Customer Experience Considerations:
S.No. | Customer Experience Checklist and Customer Experience Considerations | Participant | Implementation Requirements |
1 | Minimum Set of Parameters PISPs must either allow users/customers to specify the below minimum set of parameters or pre-populate them for the users/customers:
Required |
2 | User/Customer payment Account Selection PISPs must provide users/customers at least one of the following options (Please refer to the journeys defined in Single Domestic Payment for displaying the options):
Required |
3 | Payment Execution Date PISPs must allow users/customers to select the payment execution date for the payment by the ASPSPs |
Required |
4 | User/Customer Consent to PISP PISPs must request for the users'/customers' consent to the payment in a clear and specific manner. PISPs must display the following information in the consent screen:
For Payee Account Identification details (e.g. IBAN, PAN):
Required |
5 | CX consideration:
SCA-Strong Customer Authentication SCA must be the only action required at the ASPSPs (unless supplementary information required). The ASPSP authentication must have no more than the number of steps that the users/customer would experience when directly accessing the ASPSP channel. |
Required |
6 | Additional Supplementary Information ASPSPs must display as minimum the Payment Amount, Currency and the Payee Account Name, payment execution date, payment reference (if it has been entered by users/customers or prepopulated by PISPs in S.No. 1) to make the user/customer aware of these details. ASPSPs may display any additional supplementary information about the difference in actual execution date. CX consideration:
Required |
7 | PISP Confirmation PISPs must display the information received from the ASPSP. This information may include:
If received from ASPSPs, PISPs must display the information received from the ASPSP. This information may include:
In case of payment cancellation, CX consideration: If users/customers provide their payment account identification details (as per S.No. 2 options), PISPs may save the account details for future transactions, where this is part of the payment initiation service explicitly requested by the user/customer. |
Required |
8 | Further Payment Status Update PISPs must follow up with ASPSPs in order to check and update the users/customers with the most updated information that can be received by ASPSPs in relation to the execution of the payment. |
Required |
3.2 Cancellation of Single Future Dated Domestic Payment @ PISP
3.2.1 Customer Experience Journey
Users/Customers can setup, through PISPs, an instruction to their ASPSPs to cancel a Future Dated Domestic Payment. Future Dated Payments can also be amended or cancelled via the ASPSP’s direct online channel (where supported). Cancellation of these payments must be consistent with available capabilities on ASPSP’s existing online platform, as well as, in accordance with the provisions of the regulations relating to the revocation of payment orders. Note: PISPs can allow cancellation of only those specific payments that are initiated through the respective PISPs portal. User/Customer needs to initiate the cancellation process atleast 48 hours prior to the existing execution date of the Future Dated Payment.
3.2.2 Customer Experience Checklist and Customer Experience Considerations
S.No. | Customer Experience Checklist and Customer Experience Considerations | Participant | Implementation Requirements |
1 | Minimum Set of Parameters PISPs must provide users/customers to view and select from the list of Future Dated Payment initiated at the PISP. PISPs must allow users/customers to select only those payments that have at least 48 hours buffer from the execution date and time. CX Consideration: PISP may send notifications to users/customers with the following detail:
Required |
2 | User/Customer Consent to PISP PISPs must request for the users'/customers' consent to the cancellation of the Future Dated Payment in a clear and specific manner. PISPs must display the following information in the consent screen:
PISPs must provide messaging to inform users/customers that they will be taken to their ASPSPs to complete the cancellation. Example wording: "You will be securely transferred to your ASPSP to authenticate and cancel the initiated payment". CX consideration:
Required |
3 | SCA–Strong Customer Authentication SCA must be the only action required at the ASPSPs (unless supplementary information required). The ASPSP authentication must have no more than the number of steps that the user/customer would experience when directly accessing the ASPSP channel. |
Required |
4 | Additional Supplementary Information ASPSPs must display the cancellation details and any supplementary information such as charges incurred, etc. CX consideration:
Required |
5 | PISP Confirmation PISPs must display the information received from the ASPSP. This information may include:
If received from ASPSPs, PISPs must display the information received from the ASPSP. This information may include:
Required |
6 | Further Status Update PISPs must follow up with ASPSPs in order to check and update the user/customer with the most updated information that can be received by ASPSPs in relation to the execution of the cancellation. |
Required |
4. API Specification: Brief description
4.1 Domestic Future Dated Payment Consents
This API Specification page details out the Domestic future dated Payment Consents resource that is used by a PISP to register an intent to initiate a Domestic Future Dated Payment.
4.2 Domestic Future Dated Payments
This API Specification page details out the Domestic Future Dated Payments resource that is used by a PISP to initiate a Domestic Future Dated Payment.